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Our Top 10 SEO Tips

Our Top 10 SEO Tips

Improving your website rankings on google can seem like a daunting task, especially if you are new to online marketing. Now we are in 2018, ranking on google can be difficult when you don’t have the right information. Each year Google’s algorithm changes which means that you need to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly. A good starting point on helping your website flourish in terms of organic traffic is of course to create and stick to an SEO checklist.

If you are looking for some quick tips and tricks on getting your website ranking higher on google then here are our top 10 SEO tips.

Add A Blog To Your Website

If you haven’t already done so, we would recommend that your first step in successful SEO is to add a blog to your website. Blogs are useful for driving traffic to your website, especially if you are producing interesting and relevant content. Not only is a blog good content for your potential consumers but also for Google. The more content you upload to your website the more information Google has to index to your site.

Update Your Website Often

Following on from the previous point, updating your website frequently is imperative if you are looking to build your ranking on Google. Adding a blog is a great way of uploading new content regularly however it is more than adding new content. Making sure that your existing content does well is also important. Social media is a great example of this. If you put a lot of time and effort in to an instagram account you are more likely to gain followers than an instagram account that hasn’t posted for 2 months.

Use Relevant Keywords

Before you publish your next piece of content make sure that the keyword you are choosing to rank for is relevant to your website but also what people are actually searching for. There are few different ways to research highly ranked keywords, you can either search for other websites in your area of business or alternatively use tools such as Google’s keyword planner so that you have a better idea of the figures each keyword might receive.

Research Your Competition

In the day and age of 2018 it is increasingly difficult to find a niche when it comes to business. It is for this reason that you should be well researched on your competitors both locally and on Google’s rankings. The best way of researching your competition is to head over to a private browser and search for other businesses websites. Take a look at the top search results and analyse what they are doing well as well as what you could do better.

Write Good Content

There are so many different elements to consider when writing content. First and foremost is of course grammar and presentation. You want to make sure that your website comes across as professional but also visually appealing. Once you have researched your competition you want to make sure that your content is more engaging but also different. There is nothing worse then reading a blog post or written content that sounds like it was written by a robot, make sure you put your own flair on your writing to keep your audience engaged.

Good content is not only based upon grammar and writing style but also the length of your content. Google recommends writing posts or pages which are at least 300 words long. Although this is the guideline set by Google, it is more of a minimum. Lengthier content such as posts as long as 1000-2000 are highly recommended for better ranking search results.

Use Internal & External Links

This is one of the most important points on our top 10 SEO tips. Linking your website to other websites is one of the best ways to increase your rank on google. If you have other websites linking to your blog posts or website pages, Google can recognise that it is good content and will therefore rank it higher. If you are first starting, getting other websites to link to you can be quite a challenge so you will have to begin your own link building first by including links in your own website or blog posts.

It is also incredibly important to link to other pages on your site. If you aren’t linking to your own content, why would Google?

Use Your Keyword in Images

Once you have picked a keyword for a page or post on your website it is good to have it also embedded in your images, essentially confirming your topic to google. This can be done by naming your image your ideal keyword which is usually similar to the title of the page or post as well as labelling the alt tag of the image the same keyword. If you are new to SEO jargon, alt tags are labels given to images which show up in place of the image if they do not load or appear on the sight.

Include Videos On Your Site

As we are part of the digital revolution which is constantly adapting and evolving, the demands of SEO and Google tend to fluctuate. Once of the key concepts surrounding SEO is the power of video. We would suggest embedding video throughout your site, not only to build your link building profile, but also making your website more visually appealing. Studies have shown that adding videos to your site can increase the time consumers spend on your website as well as helping your audience feel more comfortable making decisions. You can add videos from sites such as Youtube and Vimeo or upload your own video content.

Remove Duplicate Content

There is no Google penalty for having duplicate content, however, it is not recommended. Each time you upload new content to google with a new keyword, Google stores this in its index. This means that if you have two pieces of the same content you won’t rank as highly as the keyword will be diluted. It is always recommended to write a page or a post which is longer and with a strong profile backlink rather than splitting content into two sections.

Set Up a Google My Business Page

Our tenth and final suggestion for our top 10 SEO tips is setting up a Google My Business Page. This is one of the most beneficial tips for growing your business as it helps your business develop an online presence. Once you have set up a Google My Business page it means that your business will appear in the local area, helping your customers find out essential information about your business.

If you would like more information on SEO tips then here is a short clip:


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